Engineering Manager Onboarding

Engineering Manager Onboarding

Onboarding process for Engineering Managers.


I - Objective:

Generate a common approach to onboarding new engineering managers to the organization.

II - Pre-Onboarding:

  1. During the week prior to the new engineer manager boarding a buddy E-Manager should be assigned by Sr Engineer Manager for assistance and questions.

  2. Sr Engineer Manager should notify squad related to new engineer manager boarding on main squad channels (onboarding date, name and squads).

  3. Sr Engineer Manager should set a 30 min call with the new engineer manager on day 1 to mention Buddy name & set initial expectations.

III - Onboarding - Roles & Responsibilities:

Sr Engineering Manager should:

  1. Guarantee new engineering manager member attends Rocket.Chat onboarding 1-week process.

  2. Conduct a welcome meeting with the new engineering manager to share general details about job role, squad, engineer focal contacts, company meetings to be attended, mention the different RC onboarding activities and share short term expectations.

  3. Introduce the new engineering manager to the buddy e-manager.

  4. Add new engineering manager to all relevant squad channels and meetings - note this may vary from squad to squad.

  5. Schedule recurrent 1:1 meetings with new engineer manager.

  6. Set all onboarding related tasks on click up, assigning the new engineer manager and buddy e-manager.

  7. Grant 30 All Start Points to Buddy e-manager at end of onboarding.


Buddy e-manager should:

  1. Add the new engineer manager to the role-specific meetings and channels.

  2. Share below topics at 1st week check-in: a.overview of the product and its roadmap b.how do we make money with this product c.who are our main stakeholders d.walk through priority OKRs e.current state of the product (big issues, responsibilities, etc).

  3. Share useful links.

  4. Discuss org structure, squad structure and people: a.Talk about 1:1 structure b.If applicable start a transition plan regarding the team(s) that will be transitioned to the new Engineer Manager.

  5. Share RC Development Process a.High level view on squad roles and sprint process b.RC Release process.

  6. Run a buddy check-out call by end of new engineer manager 1st month to validate knowledge transfer.


New Engineer Manager should:

  1. Complete Rocket.Chat onboarding certification process in training.rocket.chat.

  2. Schedule 1:1s with all squad members.

  3. Schedule 1:1 meeting with main stakeholders (VP of Product, CTO, product manager, tech lead, chapter focal and others that might be applicable). Recommended agenda: a.Get to know me b.Understand the person role and main activities c.Anything I can help with?

  4. Attend Company, Engineering and Squad calls.

  5. Schedule KT and Ask Me Anything meetings with buddy e-manager.

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