Syncing LDAP Custom Attributes

Syncing LDAP Custom Attributes

This guide will help you to sync custom attributes from your AD server (at the bottom you will find a hands-on video teaching on how to fully integrate LDAP with Rocket.chat): 1) Go to Administration > Accounts > Registration and set the Custom Fields:


  1. Go to Administration > Accounts > Custom Fields to Show in User Info and set the field that you want to be shown:

  1. Under Administration > Accounts > LDAP > Enterprise > Sync Custom Fields enable and set the fields to be synced:

  1. Under Administration > Accounts > LDAP > Enterprise > Sync Custom Fields enable and set the fields to be synced:

  1. Now, on the Active Directory Side, set the Custom Attribute:

  1. Under Administration > Accounts > LDAP hit the Sync Now button and proceed to Administration > Users and select the user, you should be able the custom field:

There's a video showing how to fully integrate LDAP:

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