Channels with External users

Channels with External users

We have a few external/non rocketeer users on open server.

If you are creating a channels or discussion where non-rocketeer users are taking part in the conversation, please make sure to add the following prior to channel/discussion room name:

  • [EXTERNAL] - ‘CUSTOMER NAME’ → To be used when we have a channel with a customer. i.e. Channel with IMA should be names as [EXTERNAL] IMA

  • [PARTNER] ‘PARTNER NAME’ - RocketChat → To be used when we have a channel with partners, being it an operational partner or sales partner. i.e. a channel with EDX should be named [PARTNER] EDX + RocketChat

  • [GSOC] ‘Purpose of channel’ → Every channel related to GSoC with non-rocketeer should have GSoC before the name + name of the project or initiative afterwards

  • [EXTERNAL] ‘NAME of Parties’ + RocketChat → To be used when there are multiple non-rocketeer entities in a same channel. i.e. In a channel with Customer and Partner it should be named as [EXTERNAL] ‘Customer name’ + ‘Partner name’ + RocketChat

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