Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities

This page aims to describe the roles and resposibilities for the Engineering team at Rocket.Chat.


Backend Engineer:

Rocket.Chat's backend engineer's main goal is to design and build solutions that are secure, with low latency, high availability, and high performance for our products to enterprise customers and the open-source community.

People in this role will work with the engineering team within a squad, product, design and our community on initiatives developing new features and improving existing features for both self-service and SaaS.


  • Develop features or improvements to aid Rocket.Chat on meeting customer & community needs;

  • Work with the product and engineering team on different initiatives;

  • Identify blockers on processes or software;

  • Be a Rocketeer and embody company values in all interactions (internal and external) when representing Rocket.Chat.

Frontend Engineer:

Rocket.Chat's frontend engineer's primary goal is to build solutions for our corporate customers and community that provide an above-the-market user experience in a reliable manner, regardless of the device or platform being used by the end users.

People in this role will work with the engineering team within a squad, UX team and our open source community to deliver different business-prioritized features.


  • Develop features or improvements to aid Rocket.Chat on meeting customer & community needs;

  • Work with the product and engineering team on different initiatives;

  • Identify blockers on processes or software;

  • Be a Rocketeer and embody company values in all interactions (internal and external) when representing Rocket.Chat.

SRE Engineer:

Rocket.Chat's Site Reliability Engineers are continuously ensuring that rocket.chat underlying infrastructure is running smoothly and that systems and tools are working as expected in aid of our internal squads and customers. They also monitor critical applications and services to minimize downtime and ensure their availability.


  • Preventive maintenance of our environments

  • Monitoring of logs and metrics

  • Work with the product and engineering team on different initiatives.

  • Identify blockers on processes or software.

  • Continuous work towards Infrastructure as a code and scaling our solutions.

  • Be a rocketeer and embody company values in all interactions (internal and external) when representing Rocket.Chat

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