

For iOS testing, the tester will need an Apple ID, as well as an invite to TestFlight, which can be downloaded directly from the App Store. Organize with a Mobile Developer to get the proper invitations.

Make sure to create the Apple ID using your Rocket.Chat email account.

You may also want to download the App Store Connect app to monitor the app's reviews on Apple, but that's not a requirement.

After downloading the apps, and being properly invited, you should be able to see the list of apps you have access to in your TestFlight app.

It should look similar to this:

Normally, both the Experimental App and the Official App should be tested from here. To determine which version to test, refer to the CircleCI Workflow related to the task in question.

Confirming the tester has the right build

Below, there's a common CI workflow that has both iOS and Android Experimental builds ready for testing.

An example of a CircleCI Workflow


To find and confirm the iOS experimental build that the tester needs to install on their device, click on ios-build-experimental.


On this new screen, you may see the number of the build on the breadcrumbs on the top of the page like so:

Pro Tip: You may see the number through the url preview that appears at the bottom of your browser while hovering the ios-build-experimental button.

The tester may use this number to find the specific build on TestFlight by tapping on the app and going to Previous Builds, If necessary.


Once Installed, the tester may confirm the version number in a couple of places inside the app, before and after logging in.