

What are they and how to do one?

The 1-on-1 meetings are regular meetings between leaders and their team members where they can discuss priorities, give feedback, express concerns, and set expectations.

It is the moment for you to define the priority tasks for the week but also to express how you are feeling about your work and activities, and to be mentored by your leader on how to improve your skills and how to achieve your career goals. They also are points of contact you'll have to talk about the objectives set during the Performance and Career Check-in.

The frequency of the 1:1s vary, but keep in mind that you can and you should remind your leaders about it!

As the meetings belong to you, Rocketeer, here are some essential points to help you have great 1-on-1s:

  • Organize Your Topics: know what you want to mention, align the expectations about your goals for the week and quarter, discuss your career and development, bring up decisions you can't make alone, and let them know about a PTO you want to take.

  • Have a Fixed Date: don't leave this schedule up to fate! Establish that your meeting will happen on a regular date and stick to it. Consider a fixed slot in your agenda in a way all goals and tasks set in previous talks have clear due dates.

  • You May Want to Take Notes: although it isn't mandatory, sometimes you may need to write down the agreements made or what was postponed, for example.

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