Holidays, Vacations and Leaves

Holidays, Vacations and Leaves


We have a set list of National Holidays on Zoho People. Bot automation sends notifications on our #Core.Team channel informing those who are out of the office.

Here you can check the full list of Holodays according to specific locations. If you have a Regional Holiday coming up and it is not on the list, please follow these steps:

  1. Send the People Team the following information about the Holiday: Name, Date, and Location.

  2. If you're sending the message on the date of the Holiday already: block your agenda and enjoy it! Then, post a message replying to Zoho bot automation communicating what is the holiday and where it applies to, but also do "Step 1".

  3. Whenever you're "out of office" we advise you to activate the automatic message bot to let your coworkers know about it if they try to message you. You can activate it by writing on open: /out-of-office out <Message saying what holiday it is today> When you come back just write:/out-of-office in.


We recommend that all Rocketeers, regardless of their location, take a minimum of 20 days of vacation per year, in addition to their paid time off. This is crucial to allow for some relaxation time and to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Since it’s a longer period, don’t forget to communicate it in advance (2-3 weeks for contractors and 30 days for Brazilian employees).

Brazilian Rocketeers should follow the vacation laws stated in the CLT, as follows:

  • It is not possible to take a vacation before completing one year of employment

  • After one year, you have the right to 30 days of vacation, which can be split into as many parts as you want, as long as one of them has at least 14 days and the other at least 5 days

  • It's possible to trade 10 days of vacation for payment (R$) instead of taking them

  • It's not possible to start vacations on Fridays, two days before Sundays and public holidays

We strongly advise you to block your vacation days in your Google Calendar in anticipation to prevent people from scheduling any meetings on these special days!

Maternity and Paternity leaves

The duration of maternity and paternity leave is determined based on local laws and regulations. However, we have a standard minimum of 120 days for maternity leave and 30 days for paternity leave. Employees can apply for leave through Zoho People. They also have the option to ask for more days using the unlimited PTO benefit, or based on the local legislation, if it establishes more than the standard set by the company. In this case, the highest number of days will be applied.

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